Daily routine in St. Colman’s College…
The College opens at 8am every morning and students start to arrive shortly after that. Each student is assigned a seat in the lunchroom at the beginning of the school year and he may sit in his seat from when he arrives. The lunchroom is supervised every morning before students go to their various classes at 9am.
In St. Colman’s College we have nine classes per day from Monday – Thursday.
First class: 9:00 – 9:40am
Second class: 9:40 – 10:20am
Third class: 10:40 – 11:00am
Morning Break: 11:00 – 11:15am
Fourth class: 11:15 – 11:55am
Fifth class: 11:55 – 12:35pm
Sixth class: 12:35 – 1:15pm
Lunchtime: 1:15 – 2:00pm
Seventh class: 2:00 – 2:40pm
Eighth class: 2:40 – 3:20pm
Ninth class: 3:20 – 4:00pm
We finish earlier on Fridays; there are six classes and last class finishes at 1:10pm.
All students rent a locker which they use throughout the year. In the morning students are expected to get all books/copies/materials that they need for their first three classes (9:00 -11:00am) – this minimises the need to attend lockers between classes.
During the morning break (11 – 11:15am) students are expected to get all they need from their lockers for all classes between morning break and lunchtime. (11:15am –1:15pm).
During lunchtime (1:15 – 2pm) students should get all they need from their lockers in order to participate in their three afternoon classes (2 – 4pm)
Students should not visit lockers outside of these times without the express permission of their teachers.
School Canteen:
The College has a keenly-priced canteen serving a wide menu of food during the morning break and at lunchtime. Students may use a Canteen Card to purchase food, or they may use cash.
Lunchtime Activities:
During lunchtime students have an opportunity to participate in various sports and games. Each year group has a designated area on the school grounds and these areas are supervised by members of staff every day. Students may play soccer, basketball, Gaelic football, table-tennis and board-games during their lunch breaks.
All St. Colman’s College students wear a school uniform.
Junior students wear navy pants, white t-shirt, light blue shirt and maroon jumper with the College crest.
Senior students wear navy pants, white t-shirt, light blue shirt and navy jumper with the College crest.
All students are expected to wear the College jacket as part of the uniform. Other jackets are not allowed to be worn in the school.
Students also must wear a uniform for PE classes – more details are given to students on enrolment.
Student Leadership:
St. Colman’s College always strives to offer students every opportunity to display leadership qualities – whether in the school, on the sporting fields or in the community. We encourage students to take responsibility for looking after each other. Our senior students are expected to model good behaviour for the younger students in the College.
Our staff members select Prefects from the Leaving Cert students each year and these Prefects act as ‘buddies’ for the first-year students. Many of our students participate in programmes which give them opportunities to show leadership qualities in the local community – the John Paul 11 Programme, Peer4Peer Programme, Community Engagement Programme, Future Leaders Programme are among them.
Student Council:
Each year students themselves, under the guidance of a staff member, select two students from each year-group to serve on the Student Council. The Student Council hold regular meetings where issues and concerns pertinent to students are discussed and debated. Student Voice is very important in St. Colman’s College and we encourage all students to engage with their representatives on the Council on a regular basis.
After-school Study:
St. Colman’s College provides supervised after-school study for any students who wish to avail of it. After-school study runs from 4:10pm – 7:15pm with a short interval at the halfway point. It is normally very well attended and is particularly popular with third, fifth and sixth-year students.
Comhairle na nOg:
See separate page (under Students’ tab) for information on Comhairle na nÓg