Senior Cycle
The following are the subjects available to Senior Cycle students.
All students study the following –
- Gaeilge
- English
- Mathematics
- Religion
- Career Guidance
- P.E.

Students choose four from the following.
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Ag Science
- Biology
- Engineering
- Geography
- French/German
- Business
- Construction Studies
- Accounting
- Art
Students also take the Leaving Cert Vocational Programme (LCVP), a special subject comprised of two link modules.
The link modules
(i) Preparation for the World of Work and (ii) Enterprise Education are:
(i) Aimed at developing students’ general understanding of the world of work, introducing them to career research and providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to find employment.
(ii) Aimed at developing creativity, resourcefulness, self-confidence and initiative. Students are encouraged to interview and investigate local enterprising people and successful enterprises, as well as setting up their own enterprising projects during the year.
There is a written examination on the link modules after Easter of Leaving Cert year. 40% of marks go for this, with the remaining 60% coming from a student portfolio (including a career report, Curriculum Vitae, and recorded interview). (Adapted from Subject Choice for Senior Cycle Handout, Joe Long, April 2010)