What will I learn in Art?
- Investigate by looking and recording your observations and experiences
- learn a variety of new crafts
- learn to work in 3-D e.g. construction, sculpture or clay work
- learn about the design process and how to use it to create new design objects and images
- learn to make links between your artwork and that of other artists, craft workers, architects and designers from different countries and historical periods.
How will I learn Art?
As you progress in Art, Craft, Design you will learn to work like an artist, craftsperson, and designer. Some of the things you may do with your teacher and classmates are:
- Develop your observational skills through drawing and painting
- Use a variety of materials and resources (including ICT) and explore the different ways in which they can be used
- Learn how to plan, manage and complete your art works
- Try your best at homework and assignments.
- What is the Art, Craft, Design Junior Certificate exam like?
In Art, Craft, Design, you will be examined in two ways:
Coursework – in the third year, you will do a school-base
Project, chosen from a list of themes. You will research your theme, do preparatory work and complete a painting or graphic design, a craft piece, and a 3-D piece. You will relate your work to other artists’ work.
An examination in which you will draw an object and a person.
Business Studies
Some of the things you will learn include:
- good communication skills such as letter writing and report writing
- how to collect, organise, and record financial information for yourself, your family, for clubs you may be a member of, and for businesses you may be employed with in the future
- what your rights and responsibilities are as a consumer (someone who buys or uses goods and services – thats you!)
- how to calculate your wages when you start working (including the minimum wage)
- about why our membership of the European Union is so important to our economy.
How will I learn Business Studies in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:
- form a club in class to learn what it is like to be a club member
- prepare advertisements for different events to learn more about sales promotions
- practise recording transactions
- keep records of your pocket money or wages from part-time work
- learn about the benefits of saving
- take part in a mini-company enterprise as part of an out-of-class activity.
What is the Business Studies Junior Certificate exam like?
Ordinary Level students are required to sit one written exam. They are required to answer twenty short answer questions and five long answer questions.
Higher level students are required to sit two written exams. Paper I examines students on household and personal questions, which consists of twenty short answer questions and four long questions. Paper II examines students from a business perspective and consists of four long questions.
Civil, Social & Political Education
What will I learn in CSPE?
In CSPE class you will get a chance to think about questions such as:
- what does it mean to be an active citizen?
- how can I get involved in my community?
- how can I make a difference?
- what are human rights?
- how can I play a part in protecting the environment?
But you will do more than just thinking about these things. You will be taking action!
How will I learn CSPE in school?
Being active in the classroom is very important in CSPE. Some of the things you may do with your teacher and classmates are::
- work on your own, but also in pairs and in groups
- discuss and debate topics in class
- practise recording transactions
- learn through games, role play, photos and other activities
- Use newspapers, magazines, books and the Internet find out information
- Invite a guest speaker in the class or go on a trip outside of school.Some other things that will help you learn in class are: • asking questions
- keeping a file of your notes and handouts as they will be usefulfor learning and for revision
- finding out how voting works by organising a mock election in your class.
What is the CSPE Junior Certificate exam like?
CSPE is examined at a common level. You will be assessed in two ways:
– a written examination, which is worth 40% of your final grade
– a report on your participation in an action project or the presentation of a course work assessment booklet. This report is worth 60% of the total examination mark.
What will I learn in English?
Some of the things you will learn include:
- how to communicate clearly
- how to speak and write in interesting ways about things that happen in your daily life
- how to explore different ways of using English e.g. interviewing, story telling, describing, newspaper reporting, writing advertisements or jokes etc.
- how to find out about the great writers of Ireland and the world, and enjoy reading some of their work.
How will I learn English in school?
Some of the things you may do to learn more and to improve your English in the classroom are:
- Work with a group to create a document. eg. a class newspaper
- listen to poems and stories
- read and think about a novel, a poem or a play
- compose poems or songs or longer pieces of writing
- ask and answer questions about what you read and hear
- re-write your work to make it better
- try your best at homework and assignments.
What is the English Junior Certificate exam like?
- You may be asked to: write about your experiences and your opinions
- write a letter or a report or a speech
- respond to a poem
- write about a novel and a play that you have studied
- talk about TV programs or newspaper articles or advertisements.
You may also be shown some short reading passages and you will answer questions on them.
French or German
What will I learn in a European language?
Some of the things you will learn include:
- how to speak in the language about yourself, your family and friends, your hobbies, your school, etc. This will help you to talk to people who speak the language
- the skills of listening to, reading and writing in the language
- the grammar of the language
- information about the countries where people speak the language, and their way of life.
How will I learn a modern language in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:
- Work on your own, in pairs and in groups
- learn through activities and games
- As a textbook, but other materials as well
- Watch films, listen to songs and look at pictures and posters. Some other things that will help you learn in class are:
– asking questions
– Taking notes and keeping your work in a folder - Speaking the language as much as you can, in and out of class.
You will learn the language in small blocks which you will build upon as you go along. But remember, learning a language is like making a jigsaw: you need all the pieces!
What are the modern languages Junior Certificate exams like?
In each of the four modern languages:
- you will listen to and answer questions on conversations, news items, etc. in the language
- you will read and answer questions on texts like advertisements, articles, recipes and celebrity profiles in the language
- you will write texts like notes, cards, and postcards in the language.
What will I learn in Gaeilge?
Some of the things you will learn include:
- how to develop your skills of communication as Gaeilge
- how to use the Irish that you already have and add to it!
- how to develop your skills in listening, reading, and speaking in Irish
- how to write letters, postcards,essays, and stories in Irish.
How will I learn Gaeilge in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:
- go on Irish language tours
- participate in cultural activities such as singing, dancingand drama
- make use of the Irish language you already have
- participate in Seachtain na Gaeilge events
- use Irish textbooks and dictionaries, as well as other resources
- use ICT software and the internet to develop your language skills
- work in pairs and/or in groups.
What is the Junior Certificate Irish exam like?
The Junior Certificate Irish exam is examined in two (or three ways):
- an aural exam
- you will listen to a tape/CD and answer questions based on what you hear
- a written exam
- you will answer questions about what you have studied
- an oral exam (optional) – this consists of a conversation between you and your examiner.
What will I learn in Geography?
Some of the things you will learn include:
- where people live (the human habitat) and why they live there (population and settlement patterns)the natural world and what influences and shapes it
- the world of human activities and what influences and shapes it
- how to get and use information from different sources such as textbooks, maps, photographs, graphs, diagrams, newspapers, DVDs and the Internet.
How will I learn Geography in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:
- work on your own, but also share information with others
- collect useful information related to Geography both inside and outside the classroom
- learn and use important geographical terms
- learn how to read a map and find your way
- draw diagrams of natural and man-made geographical features.
What is the Geography Junior Certificate exam like?
In the examination, you will answer twenty short questions in the first part of the paper, and three questions requiring longer answers in the second part.
There will be questions on map-reading, and on explaining photographs, diagrams and charts.There is also an optional field-study project.
What will I learn in Geography?
Some of the things you will learn include:
- where people live (the human habitat) and why they live there (population and settlement patterns)the natural world and what influences and shapes it
- the world of human activities and what influences and shapes it
- how to get and use information from different sources such as textbooks, maps, photographs, graphs, diagrams, newspapers, DVDs and the Internet.
How will I learn Geography in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:
- work on your own, but also share information with others
- collect useful information related to Geography both inside and outside the classroom
- learn and use important geographical terms
- learn how to read a map and find your way
- draw diagrams of natural and man-made geographical features.
What is the Geography Junior Certificate exam like?
In the examination, you will answer twenty short questions in the first part of the paper, and three questions requiring longer answers in the second part.
There will be questions on map-reading, and on explaining photographs, diagrams and charts.There is also an optional field-study project.
What will I learn in Metalwork?
Some of the things you will learn include:
- How to read and follow a technical drawing
- Skills in shaping, cutting and joining materials
- How to use a wide variety of tools and machines correctly and safely
- The properties of different metals and how they are made
- The importance of metal in our everyday lives
- how to use the internet in your research.
How will I learn Metalwork in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:
- examine the properties of different metals,plastics and wood
- Examine simple mechanisms and how things work
- learn how to do freehand sketching
- Develop good craft skills using hand tools and machines in a safe way
- learn many different methods of joining and assembling materials
- learn how to apply a variety of decorative finishes to your project work
- learn about basic electronic components and how to construct simple electronic circuits.
What is the Metalwork Junior Certificate exam like?
There are two (or three) parts to the exam:
– coursework project
– there is a project worth 37.5% at Higher level or 75% at Ordinary level. You will have approximately four months to make it
written examination
– the written paper is based on metalwork theory and makes up 25% for both levels
practical exam (Higher level only)
– this is worth 37.5% of the total marks for Higher level.This involves making and assembling parts from a given drawing and you will have three hours to do this.
What will I learn in Mathematics?
Some of the things you will learn include:
- sets
- number systems
- algebra
- functions and graphs
- trigonometry
- geometry
- statistics
- applied arithmetic and measure.
How will I learn Mathematics in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:
- use computer simulations
- do hands-on activities with real-life materials
- use a text book and answer maths problems
- take part in project work.
Some other things that will help you learn in class are:
- asking questions
- solving maths problems for yourself
- keeping your work organised in an exercise book or file.
What is the Mathematics Junior Certificate exam like?
Ordinary and Higher level students will sit two written exam papers each consisting of six questions. Foundation level students will sit one written exam paper consisting of six questions.
What will I learn in Science?
The Science course covers the three sciences: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
Biology is the science of living things.
You will learn about:
- plants and animals including humans
- the environment and how to care for it.
Chemistry deals with the composition of substances and their properties.
You will learn about:
- the materials that make up the world around us
- how materials can change and be changed.
Physics is the science of matter and energy and how they interact.
- You will learn about:
forces and energy - how things work
How will I learn Science in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and classmates are:
- work as part of a group
- go on field trips
- use computer-based resources
- carry out experiments and investigations
- try your best at homework and assignments.
What is the Science Junior Certificate exam like?
In Junior Certificate Science you will be examined in two ways:
- coursework: during the three years of the JuniorCertificate you report on the investigations that you carry out in class.
These reports count for 35% of your Junior Certificate marks
- written examination: you will answer questions on the science topics that you have studied and on the skills (e.g. science investigation skills) that you have developed.
Technical Graphics
What will I learn from Technical Graphics?
Some of the things you will learn include:
- How to produce drawings using drawing equipment, freehand sketches and computers
- How to read and interpret drawings and diagrams
- How graphics relate to the design and manufacture of products.
How will I learn Technical Graphics in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:
- produce neat drawings of everyday items
- create models of recognisable items on the computer
- use freehand sketching, colouring and shading to represent objects
- Make paper/cardboard cut-outs of items and use theseto model items in 3-D
- work on your own and as part of a group
- use a textbook and worksheets
– organise and maintain a folder of drawings and notes.
What is the Technical Graphics Junior Certificate exam like?
- You will sit a three hour examination paper. It is made up two sections: short answer questions which you complete on the sheet provided and longer questions which require more detailed answers. The longer questions allow you to show, in greater detail, the drawing and problem-solving skills you have learned.
What will I learn in Wordwork?
Some of the things you will learn include:
- how to design a project given a brief description of what you are to make
- how to use the internet for researchpurposes
- how to use freehand sketching tocommunicate your ideas
- how to prepare a design drawing/planof a project you design
– how to read design drawings and makesmall projects from these drawings - how to safely use a range of hand and power tools in producing your design.
How will I learn MTW in school?
Some of the things you may do with your teacher and your classmates are:
- examine trees, their leaves and seeds and beable to recognise their varying characteristics
- investigate how trees affect the environmentaround us
- learn to sketch freehand
- learn how to problem solve and use a designprocess to design projects
- develop your craft skills to allow you to make projects
- prepare a design folder to accompany your project.
What is the MTW Junior Certificate exam like?
There are two parts to the exam:
- coursework you will design a project based on a given design brief (instructions).You will then make the project and prepare a project folder to accompany it (66%).
- written examination there will be a two hour written paper which examines the woodwork theory you have learned over the three years (33%).